
 Here at Dragonfly we are faced with the challenge of constant environmental issues surrounding us and know there is a growing need to make eco-conscious choices within our business. 

We are proud to embrace these new sustainable practices. From cutting down waste to supporting local businesses, sustainability is at the heart of everything we do.

Along side separating waste and the recycling we do, one way we're reducing waste is by swapping out some of our traditional glassware for enamel tumblers.

Not only does this cut down on glass waste, but it also keeps your cocktails cooler for longer. 

We've also made things more efficient and consistent behind the bar by pre-mixing some of our cocktails and storing them in the freezer.

This means less need for ice, saving on energy, water use and time during service.

We get creative with leftover ingredients like pineapple skins and lemon peels, turning them into tasty syrups and sorbets for garnishing cocktails.

To further minimise waste, we have worked closely with some local distilleries to receive product in bulk containers and we transfer them into recycled bottles at Dragonfly.

Thanks to these efforts, we're proud to say we saved over a thousand glass bottles from going to waste in the last 8 months and counting.